Dear Books,
What can I say? You’ve been by my side for as long as I can remember: from childhood fairytales to midlife learning; from university libraries to cosy Tuesday afternoons with a cup of tea and a cat on my lap. The world opened up thanks to you.
When life hurt you offered shelter under Ladybird wings, gifted Shakespeare to my confused teenage mind. I got out of hospital and you knew I needed cartoon comfort, leaving Calvin and Hobbes on my bed. Health fears and lockdowns had you rummaging around for something new to surprise me with – the poems of John O’Donohue.
When life was light you offered Thomas Hardy to share my university journey, dropping copies of anything by Neil Gaiman when I was ready to escape into other worlds. When laughter was required you reached out a hand to tickle my sides with Bill Bryson. Lately you seem to know that my mind needs to be expanded and I found a 500-page tome by Yuval Noah Harari on my desk.
Most of all, you’ve pushed The Great Gatsby into my hands at regular intervals to bring me home. Words heal, you taught me that. And I’ll always be grateful.
Happy World Book Day.

“She read books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.” Annie Dillard
Dear Susan,
What a wonderful love-letter to books this is!! Somebody needed to write it, and who better?!
Being considerably older, I was hooked in by the iconic Enid Blyton, beginning with Noddy & Big-ears, through the Famous Five and into castles & mountains of adventure! All jolly non-PC & ginger beer!!
I was rescued by my grandmother, who taught me to love Dickens; and so I graduated into a secret garden blossoming with books!
I loved the very smell of the book- shop in Downpatrick where Enid’s treasures abounded! And I still savour the aged smell of the few really old ones I have from the early 20th century, belonging to my grandparents.
What a wonderful gift reading is? Even if nowadays I sometimes do it on a tablet!!
Gorgeous comment Helen. How could I forget Blyton, Dickens and the all-important smell of books old and new?
What a lovely idea…. books open so many worlds to us without going anywhere except in our hearts and minds. I’ve always read and have happy memories of reading with a torch under my bed clothes when lights were out and I was supposed to be asleep…. no that wasn’t last week! These days I only get time to read a few pages before I fall asleep but it’s still a joy and an adventure with each new read……. still so much to discover. Thanks for sharing your passion