Welcome to Shedwriting. Come on in, I’m glad you’re here.
I’m Susan, living in Northern Ireland with husband, Chris. A while ago we ran off in a van to travel around Scandinavia and Western Europe for a whole year. Bliss. Now back on solid ground and excited about sharing big thoughts in this small world. I’m working as a storyteller for Verbal Arts in the criminal justice system – it’s humbling and rewarding work.
Also excited to be working with my talented agent on a couple of book ideas. Two (count ’em) trips to the London Book Fair as a ‘hotlist author’ with lots of expressions of interest GASP! And a whole host of lovely comments from publishers that are making me blush. Watch this space…
And if you like what you see and read, you can now buy me a cuppa! Click the button below and THANK YOU for your support, it means a lot x